what is buktrips.com?
Book your Hotel rooms, pay with crypto - for your next web3 conference.
Sounds exciting, isn’t it — if you’ve been around in the Crypto world for a some time now you have accumulated some assets. While it’s great to use your crypto to buy NFTs, wouldn’t it be great if we could do some real world things without intermediaries?
BukTrips helps you find personalised accommodations for all your travels. We are dedicated to using blockchain technology to revolutionise the hospitality industry.
Crypto has brought communities together with shared missions and cultures, with events, conferences and hackathons happening all around the world. BukTrips will find the best hotels and accommodations that are relevant to YOU.
The BEST part is that all of your bookings is on-chain and you have an option to choose to PAY WITH your CRYPTO directly from your wallet.
No more HODL, spend on BUKtrips.com and book your hotel rooms …
More secrets coming up soon, stay tuned!